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About Me

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A Bit About Me!

Hello there! 👋 I’m Utrodus Said Al Baqi, a software engineer with a passion for building beautiful, user-friendly applications using Flutter.

Whether it’s for Android, iOS, or the web, I focus on creating apps that not only look great but also make life easier for users.

Every project I take on is an opportunity to create technology that makes a positive impact, blending technical skill with thoughtful design to deliver something both functional and visually stunning.

Originally from Blitar, Indonesia, I currently work remotely 👨‍💻. This setup gives me the flexibility to deliver high-quality results, whether for full-time roles or freelance projects.

I’m hardworking, goal-driven, and always curious about new technology. I love diving into research and experimentation when something catches my interest, constantly learning and growing along the way.

Though I tend to be a bit of a perfectionist, I’ve found a balance by focusing on getting things done first and fine-tuning as needed.

Let’s create something great together!

My Skills


  • Languages & Frameworks: Dart, Flutter, Flutter Stacked Framework
  • State Management: BLoC, Provider, GetX, setState, Inherited Widget
  • Architecture: Clean Architecture, MVVM, BLoC Pattern
  • Best Practices: Design Patterns, Clean Code
  • Development: RESTful API Integration, Responsive Design, Flutter Animation, Flutter Dev Tools, Firebase
  • Testing: Unit Testing, Widget Testing
  • Tools: Git, GitHub, Flutter Flow, Visual Studio Code, Android Studio, Xcode, Postman, Firebase Console


  • Languages & Frameworks: Python, FastAPI, Django, Java
  • Testing & Deployment: Integration Testing, Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment
  • Development Process: Agile Development, Research & Development, Technical Documentation
  • Project Management: Jira, Trello

Work Experience

  • Freelance Flutter Developer - Multiple Clients, Jan 2021 - Present
  • Freelance Flutter Engineer - PT Rekeningku Dotcom Indonesia, Jan 2024 - Mar 2024 · 3 mos
  • Middle Flutter Developer & Flutter Engineer - PT Glovory Technologies Indonesia, Oct 2022 - Mar 2023 · 6 mos
  • Flutter Developer - Ediide Infografika, Apr 2018 - Mar 2021 · 3 yrs


Nahdlatul Ulama University Blitar
2018 - 2023
Major: Computer Science
Grade: 3.76

Relevant Coursework

Introduction to Logic & Programming, Algorithms & Data Structures, Object-Oriented Programming, Java, Databases, Software Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction, Mobile Application Development, Artificial Intelligence

Final Year Project

Developed a Quran verse search application focusing on lexical, semantic, and combined search approaches. This project was built using Dart, Flutter, Python, and FastAPI.

My Journey

  • 🔭 Currently focused in Cross-Platform App Development, I am working on projects that span Android, iOS, and Web.
  • 🌱 My ongoing learning journey includes delving deeper into Backend Development.
  • 🤓 I have a penchant for conducting mini-research or investigations into things that pique my curiosity, especially within the realm of Multi-Platform App Development.
  • 🗿 Fun Fact: As an early adopter of Dart & Flutter, I have been exploring its capabilities for over three years.

Personal Interests

Outside of work, I enjoy exploring new technologies through research and unwinding by playing games on my PC or PlayStation.

These activities not only help me maintain a balanced lifestyle but also bring fresh perspectives and inspiration to my professional endeavors.

Let’s connect! Visit the Hire Me page to explore how I can help.
Utrodus Said Al Baqi
Utrodus Said Al Baqi
A Software Engineer specialized in Flutter for cross-platform application development