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Real World Projects Flutter UI/UX Design
Utrodus Said Al Baqi
Utrodus Said Al Baqi
A Software Engineer specialized in Flutter for cross-platform application development
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Client:Robait Usman - CV Ediide Infografika (Vendor)
Duration:2 Week
Services:Mobile Development
Tech Stacks:Dart, Flutter, Drupal

SILPUSITRON (Electronically Integrated Public Service Information System) Sub-District Service is an application used by service officers in sub-districts to provide mail services to the community.

The SILPUSITRON application is also designed to facilitate administrative services in villages and sub-districts. Administrative tasks and applications for administration within sub-districts or between Regional Device Organizations (RDOs) can be completed via a smartphone.

The public only needs to request and upload the required letter attachments.


App Features:


  • Description: Displays the total documents that have not yet been digitally signed and those that have been signed.
  • Function: Provides a quick overview to officers about the amount of work that needs to be completed related to digital documents.

Belum DS (Digital Signature)

  • Description: Displays a list of documents that have not yet been digitally signed.
  • Function: Helps users identify and complete documents that still need a digital signature, ensuring smooth administrative processes.

Sudah DS (Digital Signature)

  • Description: Displays a list of documents that have been digitally signed.
  • Function: Provides information to users about documents that have completed the digital signing process, facilitating tracking and archiving.

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