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Flutter Sleep App - Cross-Platform & Responsive

Case Studies Flutter
Utrodus Said Al Baqi
Utrodus Said Al Baqi
A Software Engineer specialized in Flutter for cross-platform application development
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cover image sleep app

Purpose::Dicoding Submission
Duration:7 Days
Platform:Android, iOS, Web
Tech Stacks:Dart V2.17.1, Flutter V3.0.1

The Flutter Sleep App is a beautifully designed application that helps users relax by providing a great collection of high-definition ambient sounds. These sounds can be mixed and matched to create personalized relaxing environments, making it ideal for those who need help winding down, meditating, or improving their sleep quality.

This project was developed as part of a submission for the Dicoding: Learn to Make Flutter Apps for Beginners showcasing a solid grasp of Flutter development for both mobile and web platforms.




App Features:

Stream Audio Source (URL)

This feature allows users to stream audio directly from online sources via URLs. Utilizing the just_audio package, the app can play high-quality ambient sounds without requiring the audio files to be stored locally on the user’s device.

Users can access and listen to soothing sounds seamlessly and without interruption, thanks to the stable streaming capabilities.

This feature ensures that users have access to a wide collection of sounds without worrying about storage space.

Add to Favourites

The “Add to Favourites” feature allows users to save their preferred sound combinations for quick access later. By leveraging the shared_preferences package, the app stores user preferences locally, including a list of sounds marked as favorites.

This provides a more personalized and efficient experience, as users don’t have to search for the sounds they like each time they open the app. With just one click, they can play their favorite sounds and instantly enjoy the ambiance they’ve created.

Responsive Design

This feature ensures that the app’s layout automatically adjusts to different screen sizes and device resolutions, whether on mobile devices (Android and iOS) or web browsers. The responsive design allows the app to remain visually appealing and function effectively, regardless of the device used by the user.

Users will experience a consistent and optimal interface, whether using the app on a smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer. This is crucial for ensuring the app can reach a broader audience with varying device preferences.

Cross-Platform App

Flutter Sleep App is developed as a cross-platform application, meaning it can run on multiple operating systems such as Android, iOS, and the Web.

By using Flutter, a single codebase can be deployed across various platforms, saving time and effort in development and maintenance.

This feature ensures that the app is accessible to a diverse range of users with different devices without the need to build separate applications for each platform, making it an efficient and effective solution for both developers and users.


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Apps For streaming audio via url (Android, iOS & Web ). Developed with Dart & Flutter ❤



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